Saturday, March 19, 2011


Now a days every father thinks that he should be highly qualified, university topper and should go to USA, Australia and earn in dollars He should be well placed, marry a beautiful rich earning girl and have honeymoon in Switzerland... He should be hi-flying Honda Accord Driving speedster and vow he dhould take care of me and his mother.

Apparently there is no harm in such goody goody thoughts.

But if your son says I am interested in Social work. Says he studies not for marks but for knowledge. Feels that money is not the life force and ready to live simple life. May be he becomes social activist and likely to be victim of goons and likely to be politician what will be your reaction.

To me it is wonderful that someone is thinking differently. If he is thinking beyond his personal life-style needs and concerned about society at large I must support him.Why everybody should be like factory made prototypes.

Think different. Live differently. Support all youngstors who try off-beat path